Control and Protect your Largest Increasing Attack Surface – The Network Airspace

Control and Protect your Largest Increasing Attack
Surface – The Network Airspace

SaaS, zero-touch, non-intrusive

Control and Protect your Largest Increasing Attack Surface - The Network Airspace

Control and Protect your Largest Increasing Attack Surface – The Network Airspace

SaaS, non-intrusive, laborless

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Control and Protect your Largest Increasing Attack
Surface – The Network Airspace

SaaS, zero-touch, non-intrusive

AirEye Named a 2022 Gartner®  Cool Vendor in Hybrid Work Security

AirEye Named a 2022 Gartner® Cool Vendor in Hybrid Work Security

The corporate wireless-capable devices are invisible attack entry points into the corporate network. Consider them as Wireless Receptor (WR).

The corporate vicinity is swarming with wireless-capable devices, uncontrolled by the corporate, acting as the attacker’s invisible attack agent.
Consider them as Antenna for Hire (A4H).

Together, they make up your new attack surface, the corporate network airspace.

The Network Airspace Attack Kill Chain

The Network Airspace Attack Kill Chain

The Network Airspace Attack Kill Chain

The Network Airspace Attack Kill Chain

A4H Reconnaissance

Search over the internet for an Antenna for Hire (A4H)

Security camera

Reconnaissance >


A4H Control

Remotely take
control of the Antenna for Hire (A4H)

Exploit CVE-20XX-XXXX in security camera

Control >


WR Reconnaissance

Use the A4H to search for a Wireless Receptor at a corporate

Boardroom TV broadcasting via Wi-Fi Direct

Reconnaissance >



Take over the Wireless Receptor

Connect to the boardroom TV via Wi-Fi Direct

Exploit >


Unauthorized Network Access

Penetrate into the wired or wireless network through Wireless Receptor (WR)

Use TV authorization to access wired network

Unauthorized Network Access >


Lateral Movement

Identify Wireless Receptors (WR) on other segment and hop wirelessly

Hop from boardroom TV to employee’s laptop via laptop’s enabled hotspot

Segmentation Hopping >


C&C Communications & Exfiltration

Connect to an unmonitored channel. Create a tunnel to a C&C

Connect to cafeteria open Wi-Fi and connect via HTTPS to C&C

C&C Communications & Exfiltration >


Network Airspace Control and Protection (NACP)
is a new category born out of the exponential growth of wireless activity in the corporate airspace, adding a new layer of security on top of your current network security solutions.

Control your network airspace

Control your network airspace

Do you know when an employee connects to an unmonitored wireless channel?
Do you know when a critical device connects to a Guest network?
Do you know if a dual-connected device has an open wireless connection?

If you do, can you even enforce your wireless policy?

Only a Network Airspace Control and Protection (NACP) solution enables you to gain control over your network airspace, allowing you to create a wireless security policy that you can actually enforce.

Protect your network airspace

Protect your network airspace

The network airspace is the attacker’s invisible persistent backdoor

According to an AirEye survey of IR professionals:


Malware with wireless propagation capabilities

According to an AirEye survey of IR professionals:


Experienced IR professionals investigated incidents related to wireless attacks or vulnerabilities


Wireless attacks that leveraged Wireless Receptors

Only a NACP protects your network airspace against wireless attacks that lead to unauthorized network access, device hijacking and data leakage.

Only AirEye provides you with a wholesome NACP solution

Only AirEye provides you with a
wholesome NACP solution

AirEye’s NACP solution is SaaS, zero-touch and non-intrusive.

Forget specific configurations or messy integrations.

See how easy it is to extend your network security into the digital airspace

Only AirEye provides you with a wholesome NACP solution

Only AirEye provides you with a
wholesome NACP solution

AirEye’s NACP solution is SaaS, zero-touch and non-intrusive.

Forget specific configurations or messy integrations.

See how easy it is to extend your network security into the digital airspace

Only AirEye provides you with a wholesome NACP solution

AirEye’s NACP solution is SaaS, zero-touch and non-intrusive.

Forget specific configurations or messy integrations.

See how easy it is to extend your network security into the digital airspace

“The implementation of the first stage was an easy and quick process – we didn’t even require any additional IT or cybersecurity resources. This was critical, especially in times like the COVID-19 pandemic.” Zafrir Argov, CIO at Hadassah University Medical Center



New ‘WiFi Stripping’ Exploit Supercharges Smartphone Hotspot Hacks

Sep 18, 2021

The New York Times

Beware Free Wi-Fi: Government Urges Workers to Avoid Public Networks

Aug. 4, 2021

Ars Technica

Connecting to malicious Wi-Fi networks can mess with your iPhone

June 22, 2021

Meraki User?
See AirEye Dome in Action

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