Does Micro-Segmentation Really Offer Ultimate Protection for OT/IoT/IoMT Devices?

Micro-segmentation – dividing up your network and setting controls for each part – is currently the trendy solution to have for securing OT, IoT, and IoMT devices, but this belief overlooks several critical realities. Limited Visibility Problem: In environments with OT, IoT, and IoMT devices, installing agents is not feasible, nor do these devices always […]
Rogue Access Points, Evil Twins, Spoofs, and the Risks They Pose

Wireless networks have nowadays become an integral part of our daily lives. However, with this convenience comes a set of risks that every user should be aware of. We’d like to delve into the world of malicious wireless access points, and explore the dangers posed by Rogue Access Points, Evil Twins, and Spoofs. We’ll uncover […]
Network Security Listing

By Gali Carmel.
Here’s your listing of the network security categories and their respective sample vendors
The Network Security Stack

How should your network security stack look like? Here we show how attackers bypass current security solutions through the network airspace, such as the latest Wi-Fi drone attack, and how the network security stack should be updated accordingly.
The problem with NSA’s public wireless guidance

The NSA guidance acknowledges the inherent insecurity risks of Wi-Fi communications. However, it shifts responsibility to end-users and…