Rogue Access Points, Evil Twins, Spoofs, and the Risks They Pose

Wireless networks have nowadays become an integral part of our daily lives. However, with this convenience comes a set of risks that every user should be aware of. We’d like to delve into the world of malicious wireless access points, and explore the dangers posed by Rogue Access Points, Evil Twins, and Spoofs. We’ll uncover […]
New Vulnerability Allows for Next Generation Rogue Access Point

By Uriya Elkayam – As part of our research, we found a vulnerability by-design in the Wi-Fi protocol that under OWE mode exposes Hidden Networks. This means that a hidden wireless network name is open to all, not just to a device attempting to access a pre-known hidden network.
Wi-Fi Spoofing: Employing RLO to SSID Stripping

A few months ago we published the details of a wireless vulnerability, dubbed SSID Stripping, that allows attackers to spoof Wi-Fi networks in a
The SSID Stripping Vulnerability: When You Don’t See What You Get

AirEye’s research team in collaboration with the Computer Science faculty at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology have found…